Sunday, 08. 06. 2025
20:00 Uhr
Art & RosesAustrian Film & Artist Talk
A Film about BUTOH by Norbert Prettenthaler. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.

A Film about BUTOH by Norbert Prettenthaler. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or Prerequisite: Negative corona test. FFP2 mask! 3 persons from the same household.
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or Prerequisite: Negative corona test. FFP2 mask! 3 persons from the same household.
The exhibition features graphic works by by Brigitte Coudrain, Patricia Tobacco Forrester, Hildegard Joos and Helga Philipp.. 15th of March to 11th of May.
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or Prerequisite: Negative corona test. FFP2 mask! 3 persons from the same household.
Workshop for Ortweinschule.
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
A workshop for uniT/StAF with Irmi Horn & Kristina Stocker.
A workshop for uniT/StAF with Irmi Horn & Kristina Stocker.
Workshop with Daniela Brasil. Please make reservations at least 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
(Deutsch) Aus organisatorischen Gründen bitten wir um Anmeldung bis spätestens 2 Stunden vor Programmbeginn - bei einer Matinée bitte bis zum Vorabend - unter oder +43 316 262787.
Workshop für Kinder 7. - 12. Juli. FREIER EINTRITT mit ANMELDUNG spätestens am Vorabend: 0316262787 oder
Workshop für Kinder 7. - 12. Juli. FREIER EINTRITT mit ANMELDUNG spätestens am Vorabend: 0316262787 oder
Workshop für Kinder 7. - 12. Juli. FREIER EINTRITT mit ANMELDUNG spätestens am Vorabend: 0316262787 oder
Workshop für Kinder 7. - 12. Juli. FREIER EINTRITT mit ANMELDUNG spätestens am Vorabend: 0316262787 oder
A workshop for uniT/StAF with Irmi Horn & Kristina Stocker.
A workshop for uniT/StAF with Irmi Horn & Kristina Stocker.
Meeting for women. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
The exhibition features woodcuts by Barbara Hammer (A), colour etchings/collages by Vida Hackman (US) an a short movie by Maria Schneider. 15th of March to 9th of May.
The exhibition features woodcuts by Barbara Hammer (A), colour etchings/collages by Vida Hackman (US) an a short movie by Maria Schneider. 15th of March to 9th of May.
The exhibition features woodcuts by Barbara Hammer (A), colour etchings/collages by Vida Hackman (US) an a short movie by Maria Schneider. 15th of March to 9th of May.
The exhibition features woodcuts by Barbara Hammer (A), colour etchings/collages by Vida Hackman (US) an a short movie by Maria Schneider. 15th of March to 9th of May.
The exhibition features woodcuts by Barbara Hammer (A), colour etchings/collages by Vida Hackman (US) an a short movie by Maria Schneider. 15th of March to 9th of May.
A workshop for uniT/StAF with Irmi Horn & Kristina Stocker.
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or Prerequisite: Negative corona test. FFP2 mask! 3 persons from the same household.
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Meeting for women. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787 for the reading.
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or Prerequisite: Negative corona test. FFP2 mask! 3 persons from the same household.
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or Prerequisite: Negative corona test. FFP2 mask! 3 persons from the same household.
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or Prerequisite: Negative corona test. FFP2 mask! 3 persons from the same household.
(Deutsch) Für Kinder von 7 bis 12 Jahren. Aus organisatorischen Gründen bitten wir um Anmeldung bis spätestens 2 Stunden vor Programmbeginn - bei einer Matinée bitte bis zum Vorabend - unter oder +43 316 262787
(Deutsch) Für Kinder von 7 bis 12 Jahren. Aus organisatorischen Gründen bitten wir um Anmeldung bis spätestens 2 Stunden vor Programmbeginn - bei einer Matinée bitte bis zum Vorabend - unter oder +43 316 262787
(Deutsch) Für Kinder von 7 bis 12 Jahren. Aus organisatorischen Gründen bitten wir um Anmeldung bis spätestens 2 Stunden vor Programmbeginn - bei einer Matinée bitte bis zum Vorabend - unter oder +43 316 262787
(Deutsch) Für Kinder von 7 bis 12 Jahren. Aus organisatorischen Gründen bitten wir um Anmeldung bis spätestens 2 Stunden vor Programmbeginn - bei einer Matinée bitte bis zum Vorabend - unter oder +43 316 262787
(Deutsch) Geschlossenes Programm.
(Deutsch) Geschlossenes Programm.
3YHKUK/O Ortweinschule Graz, Irmi & DP Reinfrid Horn & Mag.a Agnes Katschner.
(Deutsch) Mit Eva Bajic (Klavier) & Irmi Horn(Stimme) & Tanja Schmid (Tanz)
(Deutsch) Geschlossener Workshop. Letzter Teil: Öffentliche Präsentation der Arbeiten.
(Deutsch) Mit Eva Bajic (Klavier) & Irmi Horn(Stimme).
Meeting for women. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
(Deutsch) Mit Eva Bajic (Klavier) & Irmi Horn(Stimme).
(Deutsch) Mit Eva Bajic (Klavier) & Irmi Horn(Stimme).
(Deutsch) EIN WORKSHOP - geschlossene Veranstaltung der KFU Graz / Leitung: Asst.-Prof. Dr. Friederike Gesing!
(Deutsch) Geschlossene Veranstaltung. Kooperation mit JAW.
(Deutsch) Aus organisatorischen Gründen bitten wir um Anmeldung bis spätestens 2 Stunden vor Programmbeginn - bei einer Matinée bitte bis zum Vorabend - unter oder +43 316 262787 3G!!!
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or Prerequisite: Negative corona test. FFP2 mask! 3 persons from the same household.
(Deutsch) Bitte um rechtzeitige Anmeldung spätestens bis zum Vorabend unter franziska.dienstl oder Angelina Turel 0660 3951917!
(Deutsch) Bitte um rechtzeitige Anmeldung spätestens bis zum Vorabend unter franziska.dienstl oder Angelina Turel 0660 3951917!
(Deutsch) Bitte um rechtzeitige Anmeldung spätestens bis zum Vorabend unter franziska.dienstl oder Angelina Turel 0660 3951917!
A remembering.
Meeting for women. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Special Workshop for 22 students of the 1YHKUO/K HTBLVA Ortweinschule. With their art teacher Agnes Katschner and DP Irmi & DP Reinfrid Horn.
Special Workshop for 22 students of the 1YHKUO/K HTBLVA Ortweinschule. With their art teacher Agnes Katschner and DP Irmi & DP Reinfrid Horn.
Special Workshop for 22 students of the 1YHKUO/K HTBLVA Ortweinschule. With their art teacher Agnes Katschner and DP Irmi & DP Reinfrid Horn.
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or Prerequisite: Negative corona test. FFP2 mask! 3 persons from the same household.
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or Prerequisite: Negative corona test. FFP2 mask! 3 persons from the same household.
For organisational & Covid 19 reasons we ask you to register at least 2 hours before the start - on 0316 262787 or Applicable hygiene and distance rules must be observed! Donations requested!
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or Prerequisite: Negative corona test. FFP2 mask! 3 persons from the same household.
8. November 2020 // 17:00 IN MEMORIAM PROGROM NIGHTS 1938: Literature & Film - gecancelt! EIN SACK VOLL MURMELN (Joseph Joffo) with Irmi Horn > Details
(Deutsch) Aus organisatorischen und Covid 19 Gründen bitten wir um Anmeldung bis spätestens 2 Stunden vor Programmbeginn - bei einer Matinée bitte bis zum Vorabend - unter oder +43 316 262787
TALK & documentation.Visitors can be received with registration at +43(0)316 262787, mobile 069919273466 or, subject to the precautions offered by Covid-19.
(Deutsch) Kooperation Denngenhof-kunstGarten.
(Deutsch) Autorinlesung für Kinder ab 6 Jahren! Aus organisatorischen Gründen bitten wir um Anmeldung bis spätestens 2 Stunden vor Programmbeginn - bei einer Matinée bitte bis zum Vorabend - unter oder +43 316 262787.
(Deutsch) Eine Kooperation kunstGarten & HTBL Ortweinschule - Irmi, DP Reinfrid Horn & Mag.a Katschner.
Reading and workshop with the author Monika Schönbacher-Frischenschlager. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
(Deutsch) Eine Kooperation kunstGarten & HTBL Ortweinschule - Irmi, DP Reinfrid Horn & Mag.a Katschner.
(Deutsch) Eine Kooperation kunstGarten & HTBL Ortweinschule - Irmi, DP Reinfrid Horn & Mag.a Katschner.
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or
For science research the library is online open Fr, Sa 15:30 - 19:00. Public space: STREET GALLERY. Exhibitions outdoors & ARVHIV HORTOPIA are open from 18th of May. Please fixe the time: or +43 316 262787
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or
Meeting for women. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Two violins: Chien-Ching Kuo & Sarah Drake. Please make reservations not later than 12 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
(Deutsch) Ein kommunikatives Treffen für Frauen ...
A late afternoon symposion with Carmen Elisabeth Puchianu aus Brasov (RO) and Lothar Lässer. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Jure Tori (accordion), Matjaž Stošić (guitar) & Ewald Oberleitner (double bass). Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Flute: Zivile Pirkwieser, Cello: Olena Mishchii, Piano: Sophie Ai-Lung Huang. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
Garden & Art – Variety of Roses. Guided tour with Irmi & Reinfrid Horn.
Christina Pulker (cello), Adela Skrilecz (guitar) will give an introduction into different music stiles. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Michiko Echigoya, MA (lyric soprano), MAG. Zsuzsanna Litscher-Nagy (flute travers) and MMAG.a Edith Schäfer (piano) will interpret well known Japanese songs and compositions. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
(Deutsch) Eine Begegnung mit dem Land, seinen Bewohner*innen und seiner Kultur. Anmeldung unter oder 0316262787 bis spätestens zum Vorabend erbeten: Begrenzte Teilnehmer*innenzahl. FÜR DEN 30. MARZ SIND ALLE PLÄTZE SIND BESETZT. Vielleicht gibt es einen zweiten Termin. Wer den Newsletter bezieht, hat die Chance auf rechtzeitige Anmeldung!
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or
Zivile Pirkwieser (Fluite) and Sophie Ai-Lung Huang (Piano). Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or
(Deutsch) Geschlossenes Programm - Risograd, Puchstraße 41, 8020 Graz (SCHAUMBAD)
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or
(Deutsch) Geschlossenes Programm - Risograd, Puchstraße 41, 8020 Graz (SCHAUMBAD)
Closed programme. Supported by Culture Connected.
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Lecture by Irmi Horn please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Closed programme, supported by Culture Connected.
Choir rehearsal with Henrik Sande.
Privat event.
Veronika Grießlehner, vocals, composition, arrangement/Fabian Supancic, piano/Thomas Wilding, bass. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
(Deutsch) Geschlossenes Programm.
(Deutsch) Geschlossenes Programm für die Ortweinschule Graz.
kunstGartenCHOR twice a month
Please make reservations not later than 12 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
(Deutsch) Bildervortrag mit Dr. Markus Jaroschka. Aus organisatorischen Gründen bitten wir um Anmeldung bis spätestens 2 Stunden vor Programmbeginn unter oder +43 316 262787
DocFilms and Artist Talk with Christoph Kolar. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787. ONLY IN FAIR WEATHER!!!
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Japan for all senses! Please make reservations not later than 12 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Neighbourhood-Meeting 50+
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
RADKA DENEMARKOVÁ (Grazer Town Writer or Swallow from Prag/Graz 2017/18), Omar Khir ALANAM (writer) & Henrik SANDE (piano). Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
For Graf-Hort children. Leader: Brigitte Krammer
Japan for all senses! Please make reservations not later than 12 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Workshop with Ortweinschule
Workshop with Ortweinschule.
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
(Deutsch) Geschlossene Veranstaltung.
Special programme forStadtteilzentrum Triester.
Talk & film. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
Please make reservations not later than 12 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
A molecular cooking workshop. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
A Film about BUTOH by Norbert Prettenthaler. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
Choir rehearsal with Henrik Sande.
Choir rehearsal with Henrik Sande.
Literary workshop for children. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
Workshop with Graf-Hort - Children
Choir rehearsal with Henrik Sande.
Literary workshop for children. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
Workshop with Graf-Hort - Children
Workshop with Graf-Hort - Children
Choir rehearsal with Henrik Sande. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Choir rehearsal with Henrik Sande.
Discourse, speaking and doc film. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Choir rehearsal with Henrik Sande.
A cooperation kunstGarten & Ortweinschule Graz.
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or
Choir rehearsal with Henrik Sande.
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or
Choir rehearsal directed by Henrik Sande. Please make reservations not later than the evening before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Choir rehearsal open for all interested people, who like singing and also performing in public.
A molecular cooking workshop. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
For THE BIG DRAW you can find esthetic and mathematic drawing motifs in the artists´ installations and objects as well in the structures of plants. Please make reservations not later than 12 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Reinfrid Horn shows methods to compost your garden rubbish in a proper way. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787.
Closed szenario for the Graf-Hort children, supported by Land Steiermark: Soziales, Arbeit und Integration.
TALKING & FILM-DOCUMENTATION about this explosive theme. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Creativ workshop for children with Mag.a Kathrin Siegl. Please make application not later then 20 hours before: oder
Children (8 - 14 years) as landscape designers are creating her own surroundings. Please make reservations not later than 24 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Special programe for Graf-Hort, group Brigitte Krammer.
Two groups of pupils get an introduction for an understanding of the cultural working with art and nature.
The art historian and meditation teacher Henriette Horny is leading this two day seminar. Please make reservations not later than 24 hours before the programme begins: Henriette Horny
Two days Seminar/workshop with Henriette Horny - art historian and meditation teacher. Appointment: or
Presentation/exhibition LITTLE BEANS - big trouble, a International Year of Pulses project: Works by students from 2YHKU class HTBLVA Ortweinschule Art and Design Graz.
Intern workshop with pupils of elementary schools.
Symposion: From constructing the nests to real life. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787
Opening Special Exhibition III 2016: WANDLUNGEN - TRANSFORMATIONS 15:30 Objekts and pictures by Sarah Bildstein, Michaela Kisling, Miriam Tinguely (Artist in Residence 2016), Heinz Chibulka, Jani W. Schwob, Arnold Reinisch. Opening by GR Karl-Heinz Herper and Iris Kasper.
An intern workshop with pupils of elementary schools.
Workshop: kunstGarten project to the UNESCO- International Year of pulses 2016 in cooperation with HTBLVA Ortweinschule Art and Design Graz.
GardenPRAXIS: Roses - Care and Pruning. With Reinfrid Horn. Application requested. 0316262787 or
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or
14. March 2016 // 09:00 LITTLE BEANS - big trouble 1 A kunstGarten project to the UNESCO- International Year of pulses 2016 in cooperation with HTBLVA Ortweinschule Art and Design Graz. The students are concerned with the origin and the problematically cultivation of pulses. The results will be presented with an exhibition in kunstGarten at the end... Read more »
How to cut once-flowering and repeat-flowering roses. Application requested. 0316262787 or