Hartmut Skerbisch FRAKTAL: Pythagorasbaum / Tree of Pythagoras
For THE BIG DRAW you need  a sign block and pens, maybe a rubber.
Your clothing should fit for a garden walk.
At 13:00 the artist Monika Schönbacher-Frischenschlager is working with the visitors. Into the empire of FLORA PERFORMING situated on 1300m2  contemporary art is included.
Indoors the Garden Library (more than 4000 books) is building the bridge to science and is mediating garden culture.
You can find esthetic and mathematic drawing motifs in the artists´ installations and objects as well in the structures of plants.
Par exemple: Pythagoras Tree or Golden Ratio.
THE BIG DRAW is initiated by Kunsthaus Graz.
- Please make reservations not later than 12 hours before the programme begins: kunstGarten@mur.at or +43 316 262787