Irmi Horn
Irmi Horn <>
phon: +43 (0) 316262787
mobil: +43 (0) 69919273466
Reinfrid Horn
technical director, library, art gardener
Reinfrid Horn <>
phon: +43 (0) 316262787
mobil: +43 (0) 69911852905
- Irmi Horn will have the honour of being named a citizen of the city of Graz on 25 April 2024.
- Second Place: The best 15 museums in Graz
- kunstgarten was chosen by The Culture Trip 2015 as one of the 7 TOP PARKS 2015 in Graz.t
- In 2015 DVA published the book KUNSTGARTENKUNST by the landscape gardener and author Cordula Hamann, which presents only the kunstGarten and the sculpture park (Joanneum Graz) from various gardens in Europe.
- In 2014 kunstGarten received a special award from the BKA in recognition of its cultural work.
- kunstGarten and the GARTENLABYRINTH (Hartmut Skerbisch) in the Dr. Schlossarpark/Auf der Tändelwiese are declared as places of wellbeing for a consciously healthy life in the Wohl-Fühl-Kompass / Kompas dobrega pocutja (EU-Project), which was presented on 3.2.2012 in the Graz City Hall (- available here: City of Graz Mayor’s Office, City Hall, Porter in the City Hall) Since the City of Graz was again responsible for the maintenance of the GARTENLABYRINTH from 2012, no further action has been taken against the box borer. Unfortunately, this largest sculpture by the Styrian artist degenerated into a gstättn until 2019, when, at our insistence and with the support of KIÖR, the city of Graz agreed to restore it with “Evergreen Honeysuckle” (Lonicera nitida). We would like to thank the Kulturamt Graz (Michael A. Grossmann) very much!
- kunstGarten was nominated for the Austrian National Tourism Award 2007 “Garden of Eden Austria” – Staatspreis Tourismus 2007 “Garten Eden Österreich” .
- Golden Decoration of Honour of the Province of Styria as an award for cultural achievements for Irmi & Reinfrid Horn, November 2017
- NATUR IM GARTEN provides an insight from 7th of October 2018Irmi Horn wird am 25. April zur Bürgerin der Stadt Graz ernannt.
- Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur – Hunger for art and culture: In the understanding of human rights, kunstGarten wants to give free access to those people who unfortunately cannot afford to enter our museum due to their current living situation – by means of the KulturPass campaign “Hunger for Art & Culture”. Participation in selected programmes is also free. kunstGarten will im Verständnis der Menschenrechte auch jenen Menschen, die sich aufgrund ihrer momentanen Lebenssituation den Eintritt in unser Museum leider nicht leisten können, den freien Zutritt – mittels KulturPass-Aktion „Hunger auf Kunst & Kultur“ ermöglichen. Teilnahme an ausgewählten Programmen sind ebenfalls frei.
- Steiermark-Card: With the Steiermark-Card you can visit our museum and the exhibitions from April 1 to October 31 as often as you like with free admission. Further information under:
- We are happy if existing memberships (€ 7 per year) are transferred in time to our account kunstGarten, IBAN: AT192081503900504139, BIC: STSPAT2GXXX and also about donations for our online programme!
USt-ID-NR: ATU61501967 // ZVR: 834075080 // KUR: R020X1382
Internship 2021
Internship 2020
Internship 2019
Assistent 2018
Bianca Molinatto, MA (Jan – Aug 2018)
Internship 2018
Valentin Meneau, MA (Musikologie), Apr- May)
Marie-Theres Jud, HLW Schrödinger (Juli – August)
Kalpana Shrestha Rai, AMS ( 13. 9. – 9. 10. 2018)
Tanja Kos, ATEMPO (Mai-Okt 2018)
Fiona de Fontana (Jul-Aug 2018), BOKU Wien
Iris Kasper
assistant (2016 – 2017 – 7 hours weekly)
phon: +43 (0)316262787
mobil: +43 (0) 664 8233836
visual image, webdesign
INTERNSHIP 2017 Bianca Molinatto (Ca’Foscari University) 15Th July – 30Tth September, Carina Schnalzer (K.-F. Uni Graz) Jul -Sep
Bianca Molinatto (Ca’Foscari University) 15. Jul – 30. Sept, Julia Robin (K.-F. Uni Graz) September 2017
INTERNSHIP for pupils and students!
Please send your application form including your vita, copies of testemonies to:
Sara Mustedanagic/HLW Schrödinger, Christine Simmerer (K-F Uni Graz), Michaela Christandl (K-F Uni Graz), Magdalena Mandl/HLW Schrödinger, Pauline Konrad/HLW Schrödinger, Simone Kandler (K-F Uni Graz)