Valerie Fritsch, Ausschnitt - Polaroidaufnahme, 2015 / Draatal, Marokko
GAV authors Valerie Fritsch, Anita C. Schaub and Bernadette Stummer will perform live and with poetry film. Alternate date in case of bad weather: 8th of July, 20:15.

Anita C.Schaub
Author, Video Artist
Born 1959 in Bermuda, grew up in Carinthia, lives in Vienna.
Master’s degree (German philology, psychology and pedagogy);
Pedagogical Academy: doctorate in women’s studies at the University of Vienna. Writing pedagogue (“Wr. Schreibpädagogik);
Poetry therapy. Writing workshops; project conceptions; interdisciplinary projects with focus on women’s art and literature; life ART.
Organizer of numerous cultural events (focus on literature) in Vienna and the provinces.
Several scholarships.
Writes non-fiction and prose. Most recently: Leben mit Em. Narrative. Edition Libica Verlag, 2018.
However, her passion has been poetry film for several years. Most recently: STEINHOF STILLE STIMMEN, documentary poetry film 2020, which we will show today.

Bernadette Stummer
Bernadette STUMMER
Short bio:
Professional field: film-art-open&publicspace for over 40 years mainly in project production (freelance). Lecturer in film production for 27 years. Many projects with human rights reference.

Valerie Fritsch
Born 89, numerous literaur prizes, most recently the Peter Rosegger Prize of the Province of Styria and the Brothers Grimm Prize of the City of Hanau 2021. Travels around the world from Africa to the Wild East. Valerie Fritsch is a writer, Polaroid photo artist and traveler. Her new novel Herzklappen von Johnson & Johnson has just been published by Suhrkamp and was longlisted for the German Book Prize.
AN EVENT OF THE GRAZER AUTHORS ASSEMBLY, organized by Hildegard Kokarnig in cooperation with kunstGarten.
Organization: Hildegard Kokarnig
Admission € 7. concessions € 5.
- Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787. 3G!