Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger
With Irmi Horn & Henrik Sande: In memory of the pogrom nights and the terrible consequences. With literature & music & film we want to let empathy grow and stand up against hatred, prejudice and hostility.
Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger was born on 15 August 1924 as the daughter of the shopkeeper Max Meerbaum in Czernowitz. At a very early age, she read poems by Heinrich Heine, Rainer Maria Rilke, Klabund, Paul Verlaine and Rabindranath Tagore, poets whose influence on her own oppressively mature poetry, for which she had the time in her short life, is noticeable. In 1939 she began to write her own poetry and to translate it from French, Romanian and Yiddish. After the invasion of German troops in July 1941, the Eisinger family was forced to live in the ghetto of the city of Czernowitz. In 1942, the family (like Paul Celan’s parents and all other Jews in Czernowitz) was deported by the Romanians to the Romanian labour camp Mikhailovka in Transnistria (Ukraine). Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger died there of typhus on 16 December 1942.

Irmi Horn & Henrik Sande
- Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: kunstGarten@mur.at or +43 316 262787. 2G!