Löwe im Zoologischen Garten Berlin, ca 1900
2018 will be the European Year of Cultural Heritage.
Can culture help to tackle European and global challenges? Does cultural heritage matter to Europeans? How can culture in cities and regions help to shape more cohesive and inclusive societies?
Civil society is at the soul of cultural heritage. In times of budget constraints, its sustainability often relies on people’s good-will, dedication and engagement. The involvement of civil society can also bring an added value to the public discourse, and help innovative ideas to spread, at national and European level.
The students of 1YHKUJ/O Ortweinschule Graz, their teacher Mag.a Agnes Katschner & kunstGarten will make a project, which is exploring the relationship between human beings and beasts in the european history, specially the last 100 years: The project will explore the changing of understanding democracy in the last 100 years. Including the situation and relationship between art and nature, between men and women, humans and animals etc. 22 pupils 1YHKUJ/O Ortweinschule Graz learning Jewellery, Metall Design and Product Design/ Mag.a Agnes Katschner and kunstGarten will transfer the topics in a creative artistic way and show the prepared works.
Throughout 2018, we will celebrate our diverse cultural heritage across Europe – at EU, national, regional and local level. The aim of the European Year of Cultural Heritage is to encourage more people to discover and engage with Europe’s cultural heritage, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space. The slogan for the year is: Our heritage: where the past meets the future.
Starting with a workshop in kunstGarten, the students will create artistic works.