Programm - 15. May 2022

15:30 Uhr

Art & Roses

ARCHIV HORTOPIA (Fr, Sa 15:30 – 19:00 and daily by appointment) & Public Space Art

ARCHIV HORTOPIA:Art.Garden.Library/Videothek. Fr, Sa 15:30 - 19:00 and daily by appointment!



Planned exhibitions 2022

January: Monika Schönbacher-Frischenschlager, Kathrin Lorenz, Frida Kahlo & russian portraits (-...

11:30 Uhr

Art & Roses

11:30 Uhr

Art & Roses

(Deutsch) Internationaler Museumstag/Frühlingserwachen/aktuelle kunst in graz

(Deutsch) #frühlingserwachen22 #steirischemuseen #PowerOfMuseums Internationalen Museumstag 2022 Museen mit Freude entdecken. aktuelle...

15:30 Uhr

Art & Roses

Speech: Garden artists

With Editha Weber. Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787. 3G!

20:00 Uhr

Art & Roses

Ciné privé: film art – due Covid 19 cancelled

For organisational & Covid 19 reasons we ask you to register at least 2 hours before the start - on 0316 262787 or Applicable hygiene and distance rules must be observed! 2 G, FFP2 or negative corona test not older than 24 hours required! Donations requested!