Lange Nacht
kunstGarten is a cultural initiative for the support and promotion of the contemporary arts, garden art, with the aim of
– personal enrichment through encounters with both natural and artistic phenomena
– giving access to varied artistic approaches and uses of space and/or plants
– making garden spaces to be manifest art space
– Encountering and confrontation with sociocultural and sociopolitical phenomena of human society based on artistic an sientific communication.
kunstGarten is part of ORF Long Night of Museeums for the 15th time. This time we start at 5 pm (17:00) so that visitors may wander through the garden by daylight.
ARCHIV HORTOPIA – Guided tour at 6pm and 7pm (17:00 and 18:00). Son et lumière until midnight. The atumn garden, the diverse flora and the contemporary art create a magical atmosphere.
Special program:

Irmi Horn
19:00 Reading
In her stories, Irmi Horn tells us about the state and sensitivity of the society we live in, in a critical and poetic tone – full of irony.
20:30 – 1:00 Art film and documentary Artists’ Short Cuts by Alexandra Gschiel, Annette Phlip, Renate Kordon & kunstGarten  & kunstGarten-documentations