Dr. Fritz Treiber, Dr. Fritz Treiber Studiengangsleiter für "Ernährung, Gesundheit & Konsum"
The molecular biologist Dr. Fritz Treiber from the Graz Taste Laboratory will give an entertaining lecture and present his new book Movefood.
The fine way to eat – despite swallowing difficulties (16.03.2023, Verlag Schulz-Kirchner).
Steak from cell culture or gelled coffee with flavoured mouth spray as dessert.
In this lecture, Fritz Treiber ventures a look into the future. High-tech food from cell culture will be examined as well as
optimised food for people with swallowing difficulties. These are becoming more and more common in an ageing society.
The first solutions are already available…the future is closer than we think…but is it affordable for all citizens?

Dr. Fritz Treiber (c) Treiber
Dr Fritz Treiber was born in Falls Church, Virginia (USA). He studied microbiology and molecular biology at the Karl Franzens University in Graz and is a course instructor at the university’s taste laboratory and coordinator for the study programme Nutrition, Health and Consumption; he also studied ancient history at the University of Graz. The versatile and creative free spirit is also a passionate martial arts trainer (MMA), event organiser, author and director. He is the initiator and course leader at Geschmackslabor Graz and constantly provides new ideas and innovative impulses. The idea for this book SCIENCE SCHMANKERL Rezepte aus dem Reagenzglas, 2017 Amalthea Verlag, the initiative for the cooperation with the Ortweinschule and, of course, the development of many new recipes are also thanks to him. He regularly appears as a food expert on the ORF programme “Studio 2”.
- Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: kunstGarten@mur.at or +43 316 262787