

Daniela Trost, OT, Bildausschnitt 2023

The artists Małgorzata Goździk, Zhenia Jane Laptiy Rosa Rendl, Laura Schawelka & Daniela Trost  invite us to contemplate, marvel, fathom and reflect.

They tie their aspects of life and experience into photographic, drawn or painted  inventories that could be their own as well as those of their fellow world. In other words, access is created to empathic moments that imagine understanding and the drawing together of humanity into an unconditional concept of survival.

Aesthetics in art is a communicative event that can also transcend tasteful fashionable dimensions. The disturbing, shows situations from which escaping is an all-too-human endeavour, but also encourages us to find solutions in order to learn to deal with them.

What is essential, however, is that in man’s paradisiacal longing for harmony, it must become clear that happy moments lie in the past and the future and that we must become aware of transience. Making a contribution to happy moments is now up to each, every one of us.