
contemporary art in graz

aktuelle kunst in graz ist ein Netzwerk aus Grazer Kunst- und Kulturinstitutionen.

aktuelle kunst in graz is a network of art and cultural institutions in Graz. Here you can find details about the venues and the programme on display.

In the framework of contemporary art in graz aktuelle kunst in graz  we are open:

Fr 10. Mai 15:30 – 21:00

19:30 Ciné privé

Sa 11. Mai 15:30 – 21:00
15:30 Opening PLEASE STAY kunstGarten & Street Gallery

With  Renate Krammer / A (pictures), Heidi Kämpfer/CH (installations) & Gertrud Pinkus / CH (film: Honda a Maglia)

Curated by Irmi Horn

Sunday 12. Mai 11:00 – 15:00/19:00 – 21:00
11:30 Mother Day Matinée  – FOUR-HANDED & EIGHT-HANDED
The two great pianists Agnes and Eva Bajic and Eva Bajic’s sons Emil & Max Weiler interpret four-handed and eight-handed on two pianos.

Admission € 15/reduced € 10

19:30 Ciné privé series WOMEN EMPOWERMENT



  • Please make reservations not later than 2 hours before the programme begins: or +43 316 262787