The exhibition is presenting works by Linda Maria Schwarz, Jürgen Schiefer, Irmfried Windbichler in the garden and also in Public Space.
Opend by Elisabeth Zuparic (art historian) and Michael A. Grossmann (Head of Cultural Office)
This exhibition takes place in memorial of the World War I and its consequences, a theme that has been present in all of the exhibitions in KunstGarten in 2018. 100 years of Res publica, democratia, have shaped not only society but also left their marks on art. The struggle for more liberal arts through out modernity and the following commodification calls for a reflection: What‘s the role and value of contemporary art? How do we, how do others around us preceive art?
This exhibition looks for a path through and beyond the last 100 years. A journey into the unknown, the hide outs, the forgotten and the repressed – to look for the freedom of art, creativity and innovation.
Pieces of art may appeal to us aesthetically or emotionally, they may show us something new, they may shock or delight us. They may translate what is there already in nature or society and ask a simple question: Am I satisfied with what I know or do I want to find out more?
In any case art may help creating a more empathetic world in which we look for ways of surviving – and living together.

Linda Maria Schwarz
BRONZESKULPTUREN/ bronze sculptures

Jürgen Schiefer, Ausschnitt /part of Triptychon „mein schlüssel hat das haus verloren“, 2016 – from 2 texts by Rose Ausländer and Mascha Kaléko written and craved in Plasterboard-blackboards, archaic reduced forms: „MEIN SCHLÜSSEL HAT DAS HAUS VERLOREN“. My Key has Lost the House.
200x125cm // Little works on paper A4 are showing mental conditions in a diary way. Caused by a hate campaign against gay people. „SERIE EXIL2018 WIEN/VIENNA5“.

Montage: ZAUNBILDER (fence pictures)
Irmfried Windbichler & Reinfrid Horn AKIND
A kind of Public Space Gallery Pictures, changing their looks by weather influences or others … to connect people with contemporary art in the 5th district “Gries”.

Irmfried Windbichler, Zaunbild 2018

Irmfried Windbichler O.T. 2018