Renate Krammer, OT 2022
11th May – 23rd of June
PLEASE STAY. Because lust wants a deep eternity.
Works by Renate Krammer / A (paintings), Heidi Kämpfer / CH (installations) & Gertrud Pinkus / CH (film), Norbert Prettenthaler / A (film) – art film projection
Curator: Irmi Horn.
Three women encounter everyday repetitive experiences:
The enthusiasm for good work and fulfilment in action.
The commitment of women worldwide as system maintainers.
The gender gap.
The loss of dignity and humanity.
The negation of human rights.
The carelessness, even negligence of many towards climate change.
The ignorance of various media towards the dumbing down of the people.
The disdain for art in relation to sport.
The upholding of outdated traditions.
Violence against women and their disappearance from view after a certain age.
The enteric.
With their work, three women try to open up new perspectives and points of view, to convey sensitivity, empathy, resilience and strength. The woman becomes a creator, an energising and energy-giving entity.
Norbert Prettenthaler supports Heidi Kämpfer’s tendency with his short cut ONDA A MAGLIA.
Curator: Irmi Horn
19:30 Art film projection from dusk also outdoors
“The Flow of the River” (G.Pinkus) 6 min
“Illusion & Hope” (Heidi Kämpfer) 7 min
“Onda a maglia” (Heidi Kämpfer/Norbert Prettenthaler) 14 min
“Plaza Morelia” (G. Pinkus) 5 min
“El Canto del Hielo” (G. Pinkus) 2 min
The artist Renate Krammer has been working for 25 years with freehand drawn, torn, moulded and printed horizontal lines. Her more recent graphic works show an almost infinite variation of lines that fill sheet after sheet at intervals of a few millimetres. The strength of the pencil, the hardness of the lead, the different daily moods of the artist, who works on her works every day from the early afternoon, lead to slight variations in the lines that breathe life into Renate Krammer’s pictures.
“What looks similar and the same at first glance ultimately turns out to be completely different in detail – you notice more and more differences – no two lines are alike,” writes art historian Erwin Fiala about Krammer’s pencil drawings.
She sharpens the aesthetics of the viewer’s gaze, the sensitivity of perception with seismographic subtlety and invites us into the infinite variety of discovery.
In the kunstGarten she shows 3 x O. T., 2022 and 2023, torn mulberry paper, acrylic, object frame and 3 x O. T., 2022, acrylic on canvas, 80 × 80 cm

Renate Krammer OT

Renate Krammer OT

Renate Krammer OT
Renate Krammer already knew as a child that she wanted to become a painter, but initially worked for a tax consultant at the insistence of her parents after studying business administration and business education and then taught at a technical college before deciding to dedicate herself to art. “When you’re over 40, you no longer go to the academy in Vienna to study, so I acquired knowledge and methods at various courses in Austria,” says Krammer. One of her formative teachers was the Austrian-born artist and art theorist Paul Rotterdam, who had been living in the USA for decades. “He was a guest at the Graz Academy and looked at art from an American perspective in his lectures, which often lasted until after midnight,” says Krammer. In the process, she came into contact with the mindset of minimalism.
Heidi Kämpfer is an accurate reminder of the inscribed positions of women:
They knit, crochet, weave, care at the domestic hearth and thus provide warmth and security.
Under the “protection” of men. That’s the tradition.
The femme fatal, on the other hand, ensnares, embraces and harbours the temptation to let the “adventure” in, to take a risk. In the worst case, she exploits men, ruins them.
In any case, the value is only positive if the “muse” functions properly, as a cricket or provider of ideas, etc. … Ideally, the ancient goddess who embodies nature also appears: Gaia, Demeter, Persephone and also Aphrodite has a high status and Hera, who protects the hearth.
The devotion to Athena, the wise woman and the huntress Artemis comes to light in the role of the Muses, which is granted to women.
Now, however, Heidi Kämpfer enters the scene as the representative of all 9 muses and reminds us that art springs from the hands of women, who create networks in their work, indebted to Mnemosyne, goddess of memory and mother of all muses: Delicate structures that convey the life values of being human, that aim to make us aware of becoming human through art: In doing so, she strengthens the position of women and science, without which knowledge would only be half-heartedly possible.
Onda a Maglia, directed by Norbert Prettenthaler 2023 will be shown.
Movement, dance, performance and visual arts
Heidi Kämpfer is at home in movement and dance.
Her involvement with the visual arts has been an important part of her work in recent years.
Paintings: Charcoal, ink, acrylic, egg tempera… between figurative and abstract.Objects: Copper wire knitted, crocheted… Torsos, costumes, abstract pieces, hammered and bent metal
Performances: in Burkina Faso, China and Switzerland in collaboration with artists from film, dance, photography, theatre and the visual arts.
Images, costumes and objects as components of various performances bring their different fields of work into relation with each other.

Heidi Kämpfer
Kämpfer works with artists from different artistic disciplines and organises interdisciplinary performances
Training and further education: Movement therapist, dance/dance theatre
Works as: Movement and dance theatre teacher. Contemporary art artist (objects, painting, interdisciplinary art projects, performer)
Knitting, the yarn wrap
Knitting is an ancient craft. First carried out by men as
labour, it became a cultural skill of women. Knitting symbolises perseverance, tenacity, diligence and confidence in continuity and success.
Copper wire
Winding wire for coils, pull magnets, relay coils, transformers for transmitting electrical signals and communication.

Heidi Kämpfer, Netzobjekt 2022/24

Heidi Kämpfer, Netzobjekt 2018

Heidi Kämpfer, Netzobjekte 2022/24

Heidi Kämpfer, Netzobjekt 2018

Heidi Kämpfer, Netzobjekt 2018

Heidi Kämpfer, Netzobjekt 2020/21

Heidi Kämpfe,r Netzobjekt
Gertrud Pinkus shows film works OT from 2021-23.
– THE FLOW OF THE RIVER Länge 5:30 MIN / 2021 / Film-Essay basierend auf einem Hôjôki von Kamo no Chömei, Japan 1212

THE FLOW OF THE RIVER von/by Gertrud Pinkus, Filmstill

PLAZA MORELIA von/by Gertrud Pinkus
She comes from the theatre:
Trained as a stage designer at the Stadttheater Basel and at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich. Graduation: University diploma for stage design.
This was followed by a number of jobs as a set designer at traditional theatres. However, she soon turned her attention to the “action theatre” movement. As a stage designer, director and performer, she is a co-initiator of action and street theatres, performances and art happenings.
Finding her way to film: Cinema
In the 1970s, Gertrud Pinkus switched to film
She works in screenwriting, directing, cinematography, editing and production. In this capacity, she shoots several documentaries for the German television channels ARD and ZDF. She has lived and worked in Germany, Italy, Algeria, Mexico, Guatemala and Switzerland. From 1980 onwards, she directed international cinema feature films. Her films have won several awards, including the “German Film Award”.
Gertrud Pinkus also works continuously as a video artist
In collaboration with artists from other disciplines, her films are part of interdisciplinary art projects for galleries, museums, concerts and public spaces.
Her cinema films, videos and her extensive photographic work have received international acclaim and several awards.
Streaming – links ANNA GÖLDIN – LETZTE HEXE
Streaming – links IL VALORE DELLA DONNA È IL SUO SILENZIO—il-suo-silenzio.html
Norbert Prettenthaler, born in Graz.
Film maker for 30 years. Carl Mayer Screenplay Prize.
Screenplays, art and documentary films at home and abroad: It, D, A, Sp, Eth, Ire, Rum, Srb.
Lives and works in Graz.

ONDA A MAGLIA (It, 14 min, 2023)
“Onda a Maglia” is a film choreography about the collaboration of the visual artist
Heidi Kämpfer Halbright (Ch) and the Pina Pausch dancer Julie Anne Stanzak (USA)
in the lagoon of Venice.
Screenplay, director: Norbert Prettenthaler
Art works and costumes: Heidi Kämpfer Halbright
Choreography and dance: Julie Anne Stanzak
Camera: Reinhard Mayr
Editing and post-production: Peter Brandstätter
Music: Romen and Schneider
Production: Heidi Kämpfer Halbright (c)
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