The International Museum Day at 22th May 2016 will celebrate the theme: Museums and Cultural Landscapes.
Cultural Landscapes is created by menhood, influenced by knowledge of the earth habitants.
We will remember the European History of Religion: reformation and anti-reformation.
It is not so long time passing by when in our country was ware time about religious thinking. And know we can see this situation in the Middle East. People from there will escape terrorism and leave their countries to come to Europe. For this desperate men, women and children we have planned a CONCERT FOR REFUGEES with VIRGIN QUEEN, ALI ASSAD and a reading by Norbert Prettenthaler: 16:30 – 18:00.
At 19:00 Sandra Brandeis-Crawford will speak about “From Self Portrait to Selfie”before we can see her documentation at 20:00 THIS MOMENT WON’T WAIT, 2015/16.