Still /(c) Karin Pliem „L’infinito della natura“ 2018
IN HABITAT (Opening: 6.7.19 – Duration: Jul/Aug, kunstGarten, Graz)
Artists Collection: Karin Pliem, Anna Werzowa, Markus Hiesleitner, Alfred Lenz
Curated by Elisabeth Saubach, MA.
In biology, the habitat (Latin habitat, [it] lived) refers to the characteristic habitat of a certain animal or plant species, respectively the habitat is determined by specific abiotic and biotic factors, where the species lives at one stage of its life cycle. (1) In anthropology, the term habitat generally refers to a dwelling such as a house; in this context, human habitats are examined by settlement geography as a sub-discipline of geography. (2)
In contrast to the habitat, the term habitus has to be considered more far-reaching. Starting from a primarily sociological argument, Pierre Bourdieu developed a theory of habitus that describes the entire appearance of a person – respectively habitus is understood as a fact of the production of social meanings (3): „For him habitus stems from the habituation with an environment. It is a fact of being habituated with what one inhabits. And of the same time it is a fact of being inhabited by one’s own habitat.”(4) Sabine Flach comments in this regard in the publication co-issued by her, “Habitus in Habitat I: Emotion and Motion”: “The term habitus, in a general sense, refers to habituated embodied and mental schemata, implied in social communication, in personal attitudes, in social identity, in cultural experience and in the production of cultural meaning.”(5) Thus the theme IN HABITAT, in the context of this exhibition, is not only linked to considerations of human habitat, but rather linked to a consideration of habitus, to embodiment theories and a transdisciplinary approach, as Sabine Flach notes: “Embodiment entails a phenomenology that cannot just be reduced to concepts or metaphors of scripture. Rather the approach to these phenomena must be profoundly based on concepts of performance and performativity, regarding the interrelation of sense and sensing as a relation as inextricably linked to the interrelation of habitus and habitat.”(6)
In the context of this exhibition, it is therefore art that refers, among other things, to the autonomous production of knowledge through works of art, such as archives set up by artists that could be installed in situ. But it is also about embodiments – about the habitus in the habitat – thus besides the investigation of the habitat, also about considerations in the sense of a phenomenological argument starting from Maurice Merleau-Ponty: “The world is what we perceive.”(7)
exhibition text by Elisabeth Saubach, MA.
(3)Vgl. Sabine Flach, Daniel Margulies, Jan Söffner, Introduction, in: Habitus in Habitat I: Emotion and Motion, Sabine Flach, Daniel Margulies, Jan Söffner (Hrsg.), S.7 – 25, hier S.9., Bern 2010
(4) Sabine Flach, Daniel Margulies, Jan Söffner, Introduction, in: Habitus in Habitat I: Emotion and Motion, Sabine Flach, Daniel Margulies, Jan Söffner (Hrsg.), S.7 – 25, hier S.9., Bern 2010
(5) Sabine Flach, Daniel Margulies, Jan Söffner, Introduction, in: Habitus in Habitat I: Emotion and Motion, Sabine Flach, Daniel Margulies, Jan Söffner (Hrsg.), S.7 – 25, hier S.7-8., Bern 2010
(6) Sabine Flach, Daniel Margulies, Jan Söffner, Introduction, in: Habitus in Habitat I: Emotion and Motion, Sabine Flach, Daniel Margulies, Jan Söffner (Hrsg.), S.7 – 25, hier S.7-8., Bern 2010
(7) Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung, C.F. Graumann, J. Linschoten (Hrsg.), Berlin 1966, S.13.
Karin Pliem, born 1963 Zell am See, Salzburg, Austria, lives and works in Vienna, Austria
1983–87 Academy of applied arts Vienna; Master class Wander Bertoni for sculpture, Master class Carl Unger and Adolf Frohner for painting.
1983 Weaving and textile sculpture at Studio Iris Mansard, Biarritz, FR.
1982 Grant for the International Summeracademy of Fine Arts Salzburg, study of painting with Giselbert Hoke.
Hand weaving and tapestry, Buchs, CH.
1978 Textile Technical School Salzburg.
1992–2018 study travels to Tonga, Samoa, Rarotonga, Singapur, Taiwan, Laos, Malaysia, New Zealand, Thailand; Italy, Czech Republic, Algeria; London, Barcelona, Istanbul, New York
1984–1986 study visits in Tropea, Calabria, IT.
Since 1992 many exhibitions worldwide.
Anna Werzowa, born 1987 in Vienna.
2007-2014 Transmediale Kunst, University of applied Arts, Vienna,
2012-2013 Fotography, University of applied Arts, Vienna,
lives and works in Vienna.

Cybug, (c) Anna Werzowa

(c) Markus Hiesleitner SAATBOMBE
Master of Arts Markus Hiesleitner, 1981born, lives and works in Vienna and Lower Austria
studio kulturdrogerie: Gentzgasse 86-88/2, 1180 Vienna, Lower Austria: Hoher Rain 11, 3324 Euratsfeld, / 0043 650 54 0989 8, /
Since 2008 freelance artist and Kulturdrogerist
Graduated at the Academy of Arts, Vienna, Chair of Sculpture and Performative Art,
Prof. Monica Bonvicini, 2003-2008
Since 2005 organisation of Kulturdrogerie as a studio and artst run space
Civilian service, Holocaust memorial Theresienstadt, Terezin, CZ, 2002 – 2003
HLBLA Francisco Josephinum Wieselburg, Agriculture, graduated 2000
Awards / Grants
Science Scholarship of the City of Vienna, 2017
project scholarship of the Austrian Federal Chancellery, 2013
Grant from the State of Schleswig-Holstein, Künstlerhaus Lauenburg, 2010
Artist in Residence, Egon Schiele Art Centrum, Cesky Krumlov, CZ, 2009
Artist in Residence Program in Pécs, HU, 2009
Pfann Ohmann award, 2008
Alfred Lenz is working in Vienna and Studenzen /Styria. He studied Transmedia Art at the University for Applied Arts in Vienna and studied to be a sound engineer at Tone Art Vienna. He was Erasmus Student at the department for Generative Art at the Berlin University of the Arts. He worked at the Sema Nanji Residency at the Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea. With the composer Christian F. Schiller he initiated the projects Piano Feedback Distortion and Studenzen Studios. Since 1998 he produced electronic music that was released on various record labels in Germany, Austria and the UK and worked as a sculptor at the company Styrassicpark in Bad Gleichenberg / Styria. Since 2008 several solo and group exhibitions in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, Croatia, Greece, Southkorea and USA.

Weinbergschnecke im Regenbogenhaus/ Grapvine Snail in a rain bow house & Nigrella, Alfred Lenz