Beba Fink, Karin Petrowitsch (film), Edda Strobl (comics/pictures), StroBlak = Edda Strobl & Renate Oblak (video-installation), Bishwajit Goswami – installation (Bangladesh) & as guest Claudia Koller, pupil/HTBLVA Graz – Ortweinschule HLA – Art & Design. Keramik Art Craft
5 artists are using mixed media to portray and present their impressions of living in this world humorously in a gay, ironical, oppressive heavy or critical way.
They are investigating the relationship with their own cognition, their own willing and the recognition and respect oft the other living. In a different manner they are shining a light on the needs of earth-living and also on their denial and prohibition.
Beba Fink, born in 1968 / Graz, lives in Styria and Vienna
Studies: art history and media / Karl Franzens Universität Graz,
School of Friedl Kubelka Vienna / class of artistic photography
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna / prof. Martin Guttmann
“aquaplaning” – installation / analog monitors / rubber 2017
drunken pupils dancing in water remote from the mirrored itself
blind sliding into the deep clarity of silver glimmering in their eyes
Karin Petrowitsch is presenting a film: how people in our wold see other world inhabitants and how they treat them: A fox has got a fur
The normalization of creatures is able to give orientation to a society, but it can also cause a lot of harm. Humans, who have the power, define norms in order to dominate others much easier. They chase, motify, segregate and kill those, who do not conform to the norm. By the use of the arbitrary selection we can see the animal in the human beings. A wild fox, ill, emaciated ,without a fur and a tail like a rat doesn’t conform to the norm. Against the common attitude, to shoot this animal, the artist decided to help this fox, which she only knows from the wild-camera. By its fur it is shown, that civil courage is working. Video, about 15 minutes (from 5000 short (8 second) videos and fotos from the wild-camera over a period of exactly 1 year.
Edda Strobl is showing “Born” (2012, 2017):
6 sequential sheets, DINA3, Prints
“Born” was made within the multistage experiment “Bohren in Welt” (Drilling into World) by the artist group “Tonto”, at Forum Stadtpark, Graz, 2012.
It was about appropriation of “world”.
The sequence consists of fragments of text and fragments of images out of an archive which was available at the experiment.

Beba Fink: “aquaplaning”
installation / analoge sichtgeräte / gummi
2017 / installation / analog monitors / rubber

Karin Petrowitsch: Fox, foto from the wild-camera

Edda Strobl,”BORN” 2012, Text- und Bildfragment fragment of text and image, DINA3, Print
StrOblak are showing a
Videoinstallation: “In the wrong place at the wrong time.” (2015-2017)
Extraterrestrials try to communicate with earthlings but catch the wrong ones…
more information

StrOblakVideoinstallation: “Zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort” /”In the wrong place at the wrong time.”(2015-2017).
With his installation LADY SLIPPERS Goswami is reacting to the violence against women: suppression, exploitation, abuse and murder.

Bishwajit Goswami (Installation): LADY SLIPPERS 2012