Eva Ursprung Sound Performance 2016
The Graz-based multimedia artist and musician Eva Ursprung presents her CD “EXIST”, which has just been released on Stra Records.
Always collecting acoustic found objects, sound fragments from her artistic research trips and installations are recycled here. Scraps from interviews, filler words, disturbing noises take on a life of their own, insects buzz through the air and somewhere someone plays the harmonica.
“listening. looking the world in the mouth and in the intestines. around the earth, inside, outside, underneath and over. cutting it up, chewing it over and spitting it out again. tracing the friction of steel, the buzzing of flies, the crunching of snow. from the glacier to the black sea. cleaning out the talk, recycling the rubbish. the rubbish is often the best of the whole.
everyday sounds, songs, laughing women, sunken villages, drumming children, moskitos and dripping cocks from singapore to santa domingo are mercilessly squeezed through the machine. the stolen souls howl in ecstasy and rock themselves into a trance. musique méchanique from the deepest heart.”

CD „EXIST“ – Eva Ursprung
Eva Ursprung: Composition, Soundsamples, Recording
Mastering: Andreas Wildbein
Eva Ursprung – born in Köflach, lives and works as a freelance artist in Graz. Actions, installations, objects, art in public, social and electronic space. Works with video, photography and sound; (music) performances. Since 2010 column “Wortmülldeponie” (with Joachim Hainzl) in the Graz wall newspaper “Ausreißer”.
Since 2005 on the board of IMA (Institute for Media Archaeology), 2008 founding member and president of Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz.
1997 Art Promotion Prize of the City of Graz; 1998 studio scholarship of the bm:ukk in Fujino, Japan; 2007 jury prize of the Associazione Culturale Ateneo delle Idee, Udine (Broccoli Art Group); 2014 Artist in Residence at APO33, Nantes, 2015 AiR of the City of Judenburg.
Travel art projects: 2003 “The Danube Streaming Show”, Kunstverein W.A.S. by boat from Vienna to the Black Sea, “Balkanize it!”, The Balkan Tour, as well as 2009/2010 “TO|YS on Tour” in a truck from Graz to Lagos/Nigeria.
Music projects: rosi lebt (1981-1985), The Famous Grouses, ZLAN, wavegroom, Electric Orchestra, IMA Klangmaschinenorchester, saxophone duo with Thomas Rottleuthner.
Currently: Notorious Noise Brigade, GIASO (Great International Audio Streaming Orchestra), Lonesome Hot Dudes.