

TROPI, Awareness, Constanze Kratzsch

Exhibition-Opening 5 th of May – Jul Constanze Kratzsch, Katrin Lorenz, Lisa Reiter,  RESANITA 4th of May – 30th of Jun 2018

Welcome: Municipal Councillor univ. lec. Daisy Kopera
Opening Speaker: Cultural Scientist and Art Historian Markus Waitschacher
Artist Talk

Constanze Kratzsch (artist in residence 2018): A crumbled newspaper on the sidewalk moving in the wind is a common sight in the port of Liverpool. In fact, not only there. Carelessness, insensibility, coldness, indifferentism – most areas with a high population density are marked by this human idleness.

Constanze Kratzsch “Abseits/Offside” 2017

Constanze Kratzsch TROPI, Serie “Bewusstsein, Awareness” 2017

By working with tights Lisa Reiter draws on inspiration from the human body and the formation of stalactites. Tights as underwear form a surface. Under the rain cover over the kunstGarten’s stage area you will come across the installation UNDER THE BELOW.
What can we discover under there? Is it hidden or unknown, is it shamefully buried or only forgotten; faded out or repressed? Lisa Reiter creates not only a strange aesthetic landscape. She is creating an underneath – and yet there is something below the underneath: the walking people. The installation poses a question to the visitors, asks for their relationship to themselves and their historical awareness of the European society.

Skizze_Lisa-Reiter_Unter-dem-Darunter_kunstGarten 2018

Round like a ball:
The works of Kathrin Lorenz are about the very first hours of the beginning of a human being till the first months after birth.
Lorenz reflects on herself as a social prototype and tries to capture this special period of becoming mother and child.

Kathrin Lorenz KUGELRUND-ROUND LIKE A BALL 2017/18

The work of RESANITA is linked with contemporary topics in society like climate change, terror, migration, history, global economy, and
politics. Their conceptual working method is also imbued with scientific, research-based pursuits and sometimes involves longstanding
exchanges with international institutions. Nature is a prelevant theme.For the project SVALBARD, RESANITA formed a cooperation with the department of crop science at the University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences/Tulln. In summer 2017 they created cross-breedings of special cereals. The first harvest has been cultivated at the BOKU this
winter, and, for the first time, this summer the seeds will be planted at KUNSTGARTEN GRAZ in a trial field arrangement. This new variety
will be stored in the Global Seed Vault in Spitsbergen.

CROSS-BREEDING, RESANITA, BOKU Tulln, Sommer Summer 2017

Also involved  Ortweinschule Graz students – Curd Dautermann (Ceramics). 
Iris Bulla: “Humanity – Untersuchung und Reflexion zum Schönheitsideal im 21. Jahrhundert”
4 keramische Büsten, Schmuck, Make Up; jeweils ca. 30cm Höhe
“Humanity – about the ideal beauty in the 21th century”

Iris Bulla: “Humanity – Untersuchung und Reflexion zum Schönheitsideal im 21. Jahrhundert“, “Humanity – about the ideal beauty in the 21th century”- RUND UM DICH UND MICH, Mai 2018

Katharina Suppan: „Schön Hässlich“ (Engerling)
Beautiful Ugly
Keramikobjekt, ca. 50 x 50 x 25cm
ceramic object

Katharina Suppan BEAUTIFUL UGLY

Alice Fabris: „Identität“ Identity
Keramische Objekte auf Eisenstativen, installiert in einem Teich.
Keramik ca. 35 x 35 x 15cm, Höhe über Wasser ca. 60cm

Ceramic objects installation in the pond.

Alice Fabris: „Identität“/ Identity 2018

Architecture summer

contemporary art in graz/aktuelle kunst in graz