Vierflecklibelle kurz nach dem Schlüpfen
Workshop with final presentation: Pupils of the 3YHKUK/O Ortweinschule Graz, Irmi & DP Reinfrid Horn & Mag.a Agnes Katschner.
Funded by OeAD “Kultur:Bildung” on behalf of the BMBWF.
The project entitled “Aquaculture: Animals and Plants in and around Water” refers to the “International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022)” declared by the UN. It is about the sustainable use of natural resources, biodiversity, nutrition and poverty reduction. The project thus consists of several focal points: The understanding of ecosystems, the handling of animals, plants and organisms, the history of traditional fishing, culture, nutrition and economy. The students will first research these topics and, if possible, visit the Natural History Museum of the Universalmuseum Joanneum. The practical part consists of making nature studies (drawings and paintings). These studies will then be combined with texts from the research to create collages and photomontages. The compositions will be printed as posters using the technique of risography (risograd – foam bath). The posters will be presented to the public in the kunstGarten Graz and on the homepage of the Ortweinschule.